
Welcome to the Aqqo Design System documentation!

What is the Aqqo Design System?

The Aqqo Design System is comprised of two key elements: the Aqqo Brand Guidelines and the Aqqo Component Library. The Aqqo Brand Guidelines establish the visual identity of the Aqqo brand, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable look. The Aqqo Component Library offers a collection of reusable components that can be utilized to construct Aqqo products efficiently and consistently.

Atomic Design Methodology

Our design system follows the Atomic Design methodology, which breaks down the design process into five distinct stages: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages. Atoms are the smallest building blocks, such as buttons and input fields. These combine to form molecules, like a search bar with an input field and button. Molecules group into organisms, which are more complex components like a navigation bar. Templates are frameworks that define the structure of pages, and finally, pages are the completed interfaces ready for user interaction.

Why document the Aqqo Design System?

We observed discrepancies in brand application and component usage across various Aqqo products. This documentation serves as a single source of truth for the Aqqo Design System, ensuring uniformity and consistency in the implementation of the Aqqo brand and components across all products. By adhering to the Atomic Design methodology, we maintain a scalable and systematic approach to building user interfaces, promoting consistency and efficiency throughout the development process.